Episode 80: Broken Hershey’s.

Episode 80: Broken Hershey's.

Wait a second – did I forget to include a post from last week too? Wait… Oh okay no I didn’t. This is from a new set we did a couple weeks ago. Fortunate! If I ever forget like I did a few weeks back to not do an episode upload and leave you all in the lurch, forgive me. But who are you all? Anyone? Anyone at all?

IT IS YOUR TIME TO DO OUR DIRTY WORK. I’m activating you all. Tell people about the show. Force feed people the show. It is your duty as fans. To do anything else would sadden us, and as your corporate overlords, tis the way of things. Nowm enjoy some tasting.

Episode 80: Broken Hershey’s

Episode 79: Ten Years After

Episode 79: Ten Years After

Well, this is a special occasion. Ten years after our first conflagration in the physical universe, outside the confines of the full duplex telecommunications stream you people call the telephone, we come together to tell of the mysterious juxtaposition of fruit and nut and the feet you can eat. Cheers.

Episode 79: Ten Years After

Episode #78: Unicorns & Darkness

Pretend chocolate that isn’t really chocolate and something that just doesn’t work. What’s sad is that the not chocolate gets our nod of approval and the actual chocolate doesn’t. These are troubling times, but you can rest assured we will protect you, nurture you, and coddle your little snowflake souls when selecting a confection is just too difficult of a task for you. You’re welcome.

Episode #78: Unicorns & Darkness

Episode 59: Eat More Dolfin Every Day

Episode 59: Eat More Dolfin Every Day

When fierce beauty and attention to detail collide, worlds crumble in this stunning new offering from The Chocolate Break – a new era in the way you think and feel about everything relating to anything you don’t regard as important or the concept of importance, itself.

Episode 59: Eat More Dolfin Every Day

Episode 52: About To Expire!

Episode 53: About To Expire!

We’ve found that unless you use the chocolate, it goes bad. Doing episodes once in a while just won’t cut it – nor will not looking at expiration dates on bars when we purchase them. These next two episodes are devoted to the chocolate that must be tried before it dies.

Episode 53: About To Expire!

Episode 45: Weird Canadian M&Ms Flavors

So they did this here in the states but they used plain M&Ms. These are all peanut varieties. I would say that this is fascinating to some degree, but whenever companies do these off the wall flavors, they usually fall short. There’s only one truly clear winner in this mix and it’s pretty obvious. I don’t think there’s any chance 2 out of the 3 would ever pass muster. I could be wrong. I mean, they elected Trump so all bets are off.

Weird Canadian M&Ms Flavors

Episode 36: Crispy Crunch & Topic Bars

We’re starting to think that perhaps Miles may be the ultimate chocolate snob. Has he been sampling chocolate longer than us and just turns his nose up at everything? We don’t know, but to this date he hasn’t tried anything – at least on camera.

Mars Topic Bar – Poland

Our first one that we’ve tried from Poland! With great results! It’s kind of like a step above a Snickers bar – tastes much better and like it has better ingredients.

Mars Topic – http://bit.ly/marstopic

Kit – 5 out of 5 stars

Hans – 5 out of 5 stars

Cadbury Crispy Crunch – Canada

Is it Butterfinger-esque? That’s Kit’s main fear with this one. Well, it kind of is completely Butterfinger-esque.

Cirspy Crunch – https://amzn.to/2TTgNZu

Kit – 0 out of 5 stars

Hans – 1/2 out of 5 stars

Episode 35: Malteasers Teasers & Neilson Jersey Milk

A couple more found up in Canada – o, Canada! We find so many fascinating things up there! This show wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Canadian Chocolate. So we salute you. You’re kind to us, even if we’re not always kind to you.

Maltesers Teasers – Canada

Odd little chocolate poops or polyps – chocolate covered malt – like a Whopper but way more chocolate.

Maltesers – http://bit.ly/maltesers-candy

Kit – 2 1/2 out of 5 stars

Hans – 1 out of 5 stars

Neilson Jersey Milk – Canada

Jersey Milk – http://bit.ly/jerseymilk

Milky milk milk. More milky. Milkity milk milk. Just not… Meh. Milk milk.

Kit – 0 out of 5 stars

Hans – 1 1/2 out of 5 stars