Episode #91: Like The Legend Of The Creamy Bolus

After many months of meditating, it has come to our attention we completely forgot about all of you. Yes, we shirked our responsibility to the throngs of followers we have and decided to give a big ‘screw you’ to each and every one of you. But now, we’ve relented, and without apology, we resume our tasting and commenting on the various varieties of chocolate confections that you enjoy. These are trivial treats that make you feel as though life is worth living as you trudge through your days like a long walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night, drowsy and confused. With that, once again we bring you what you want.

Episode #91: Like The Legend Of The Creamy Bolus

Twix Cookies & Creme – United States

This one was a little confusing as it has an alright flavor, but it kind of left us feeling a little dirty. The creme also confused Hans as to whether it was caramel infused or not, however Kit was quick to point out the lack of caramel and corrected him accordingly.

Hans – 3 / 5 stars

Kit 3 / 5 stars

Kit Kat Duos Mocha+Chocolate – United States

We were both insensed and a bit disgusted with this one. The words we described these with were burnt and drudgery – Kit found the flavor a little burnt, and Hans found it not very enjoyable and kind of a chore in the chew department.

Kit – 1 out of 5 stars

Hans – 1 out of 5 stars

Episode 36: Crispy Crunch & Topic Bars

We’re starting to think that perhaps Miles may be the ultimate chocolate snob. Has he been sampling chocolate longer than us and just turns his nose up at everything? We don’t know, but to this date he hasn’t tried anything – at least on camera.

Mars Topic Bar – Poland

Our first one that we’ve tried from Poland! With great results! It’s kind of like a step above a Snickers bar – tastes much better and like it has better ingredients.

Mars Topic – http://bit.ly/marstopic

Kit – 5 out of 5 stars

Hans – 5 out of 5 stars

Cadbury Crispy Crunch – Canada

Is it Butterfinger-esque? That’s Kit’s main fear with this one. Well, it kind of is completely Butterfinger-esque.

Cirspy Crunch – https://amzn.to/2TTgNZu

Kit – 0 out of 5 stars

Hans – 1/2 out of 5 stars

Episode 10: Mars Maple & Snickers Crisper King Size

Episode 10: Maple Mars Bar & Snickers Crisper King Size

In the United States, the Mars Bar was replaced by the Snickers with Almonds – at least that’s the folklore, and then Mars disappeared. Well, Mars bars are alive and well in Canada. The Snickers Crisper is something very different – and something Hans’s mother requested we try. Again, we found both of these up in Canada. Note – we don’t live in Canada despite what you might be thinking.

Mars Maple – Canada

Maple is a flavor that can be way too strong. We were both pleasantly surprised here to find it in a way that was just about right and quite enjoyable

Mars bar – https://amzn.to/2U5rCEi

Kit – 4

Hans – 4

Snickers Crisper – United States

While a cherished choice of Hans’s mother, this variety didn’t please us in the extreme. The peanut left a kind of gravel in the palate that wasn’t easily swept away, distracting from the mouthfeel.

Snickers – https://amzn.to/2MpcE9L

Kit – 2

Hans – 3

Episode 2: Mars Bars & Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

Episode 2: Mars Bars & Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

In our second episode aired on August 3rd, 2018, we announce our intention to make this a regular program and try our first pair of found chocolate. We start to learn the flavors we both like – and dislike.

Mars Bar

We oft times journey northward to the magical land of Tim Hortons and maple syrup – Canada. You’ll be seeing a lot of Canadian chocolate as the series progresses. The Mars bar  is one of them.

Kit – 2 stars

Hans – 1 3/4 stars

Total – 3 3/4 stars

Mars Bars – https://amzn.to/2OCuWna

Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

Kit is from the Bay Area and during our courtship, one place we visited was a big Ghiradelli store. It was pretty epic and they had these tornado or hurricane milkshakes where you could get a square of their chocolate blended into it. Was pretty amazing stuff. This is a dark chocolate bar.

Kit – 0 stars

Hans – 1 star

Total – 1 stars

Ghiradelli Bars – https://amzn.to/2DhPPlV