Episode 14: Kit Kat Tiramisu & The Worst Chocolate Ever

By this point, we’re finding that the more things we try, the more we absolutely hate. I mean, why haven’t heads rolled and production stopped on some of these? Beyond us. We have a Canadian variety and a Seattle area one today.

Kit Kat Tiramisu – Canada

Upon opening, we are greeted with a ‘funk’ wafting from the package. We both have an affinity as to listening to funk, however scented funk isn’t much to our liking. Neat presentation though.

Get one here – http://bit.ly/kitkattiramisu

Kit – 1 1/2 stars

Hans – 2 1/2 stars

jcoco Edamame & Sea Salt in Milk Chocolate – Seattle, Washington USA

Well, talk about something absolutely horrible. This was just so bad. So bad that Hans actually spat it out into a napkin. Back in the day, he was able to escape to a bathroom after overdrinking, vomit into the bowl and then recover almost immediately to grab another beer and continue schmoozing. This eclipsed that ability. Like chocolate covered hay.

Get some jcoco edamame & sea salt here – http://bit.ly/jcocoedamame

Kit – 0 stars

Hans – 0 stars

Episode 10: Mars Maple & Snickers Crisper King Size

Episode 10: Maple Mars Bar & Snickers Crisper King Size

In the United States, the Mars Bar was replaced by the Snickers with Almonds – at least that’s the folklore, and then Mars disappeared. Well, Mars bars are alive and well in Canada. The Snickers Crisper is something very different – and something Hans’s mother requested we try. Again, we found both of these up in Canada. Note – we don’t live in Canada despite what you might be thinking.

Mars Maple – Canada

Maple is a flavor that can be way too strong. We were both pleasantly surprised here to find it in a way that was just about right and quite enjoyable

Mars bar – https://amzn.to/2U5rCEi

Kit – 4

Hans – 4

Snickers Crisper – United States

While a cherished choice of Hans’s mother, this variety didn’t please us in the extreme. The peanut left a kind of gravel in the palate that wasn’t easily swept away, distracting from the mouthfeel.

Snickers – https://amzn.to/2MpcE9L

Kit – 2

Hans – 3

Episode 5: Loard’s, Crunky & JCoco

We started going all in for requests. Although we don’t record these episodes on a regular basis (we usually will do two or three then chill out for a few weeks), we still can do a few special requests. Well, today we got something from Kit’s mom and gave it a try among other things. The other two are ones that were found at Uwajimaya, a Northwest based chain of Japanese supermarkets. Let’s give everything a look.

Loard’s – Rocky Road – United States

Loard’s is a fixture in downtown Livermore, California and has been there since 1950.  The little shop offers candy as well as ice cream – on one of the first visits Hans made to California to see Kit, she took him to Loard’s to try it out. Her family has frequented the place since she was young, and her mother thought maybe we should try out their rocky road (one of her favorites).

Kit – 4

Hans 1.5

Crunky – Japan

A bar along the lines of a Krackel or a Crunch bar. This one’s from Japan. Here’s a little from Japan Talk –

Crunky is a chocolate bar filled with toasted grains often listed as “malt puffs” on the ingredients. A large number of flavors of crunky have been launched over the years including ice cream snacks. Crunky products often have engrishnames and marketing slogans. Oddly, Japanese products covered in engrishtend to get attention in the English speaking world and candy companies appear to have caught on.

Crunky bars – https://amzn.to/2DqAdMp

Kit – 1

Hans – 1.5

J Coco – Coconut & Pecan in Milk Chocolate – United States

Another J- Coco variety. We’ve tried quite a few of these in this, past and upcoming episodes and we’ve had mixed feelings.

J Coco – https://amzn.to/2Td85la

Kit – 4

Hans – 0.75


Episode 3: Ritter Sport Marzipan & JCOCO Boharat

Episode 3: Ritter Sport Marzipan & JCOCO Boharat

In our third espiode, we’ve started to venture out and really start seeing all the different chocolate on the market. Well, at least we thought so. Lots of stores – many Asian groceries – perusing the chocolate sections. We were starting to see the products that were imported from foreign countries and ones produced very locally. This is the first episode with Kit’s Hello Kitty knife.

Ritter Sport Dark Chocholate With Marzipan  – Germany

Founded in Stuttgart, Germany in 1912, Ritter makes a lot of different varieties. While marizpan isn’t Kit’s favorite thing (nor is dark chocolate), she decided this looked interesting enough to try.

Kit – 1  1/2 stars

Hans – 3 stars

Total – 4 1/2 stars

Ritter Sport – https://amzn.to/2AZ0EHO

jcoco Boharat – Seattle, Washington – United States

jcoco is part of Seattle Chocolate. Tried to find specific information about jcoco in particular, however mainly for that they are 100% woman-owned and fair sourced, as well as charitable to those in need. Hans is a big fan of exotic flavors such as curries, laksa and masala. This one jumped out immediately and sounded good.

Kit – 1/2 star

Hans – 4 stars

Total – 4 1/2 stars

jcoco – https://amzn.to/2z1bzPS

Episode 2: Mars Bars & Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

Episode 2: Mars Bars & Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

In our second episode aired on August 3rd, 2018, we announce our intention to make this a regular program and try our first pair of found chocolate. We start to learn the flavors we both like – and dislike.

Mars Bar

We oft times journey northward to the magical land of Tim Hortons and maple syrup – Canada. You’ll be seeing a lot of Canadian chocolate as the series progresses. The Mars bar  is one of them.

Kit – 2 stars

Hans – 1 3/4 stars

Total – 3 3/4 stars

Mars Bars – https://amzn.to/2OCuWna

Ghiradelli 86% Cacao

Kit is from the Bay Area and during our courtship, one place we visited was a big Ghiradelli store. It was pretty epic and they had these tornado or hurricane milkshakes where you could get a square of their chocolate blended into it. Was pretty amazing stuff. This is a dark chocolate bar.

Kit – 0 stars

Hans – 1 star

Total – 1 stars

Ghiradelli Bars – https://amzn.to/2DhPPlV